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Agilent 5373A Modulation

更新時間:2018-05-05      點擊次數(shù):875

Agilent 5373A Modulation Domain Pulse Analyzer





The 53230A Universal Frequency Counter/Timer offers continuous/gap-free measurements for basic modulation domain analysis and optional basic burst microwave measurement capabilities up to 15 GHz.

The Keysight 5373A modulation domain pulse analyzer provides built-in functions for pulsed signal analysis and is ideal for applications requiring radar and EW signal characterization. It minimizes design and testing efforts required for modern military, air traffic, marine, weather, and space-based radar systems. The measurements of phase, frequency, and time are optimized for complex signal modulations.

The 5373A simplifies the study of agile carriers, staggered PRI, chirp, phase coding, and similar modulations whether intentional or unintentional. The 5373A analyzer is particularly suited to working with pulsed and non- repetitive signals. It measures modulation and carrier frequency on pulsed RF signals to 500 MHz, and includes a detector channel for precise measurement of envelope parameters such as pulse width and PRI, peak envelope power, percent AM, jitter, and more. 

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