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Agilent 4284A 精密 LCR 表20 Hz~1 MHz

更新時(shí)間:2018-04-15      點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):953

Agilent 4284A 精密 LCR 表,20 Hz 至 1 MHz

租售4284A,維修4284A,4284A回購利用,4284A 深圳市美佳特科技有限公司完整技術(shù)方案支持!

Wide Range DC Current Biased Inductance Measurement
0.05% basic accuracy
40 A DC support with the Keysight 42841A Bias Current Source Wide Range DC Current Biased Inductance Measurement

The 4284A precision LCR meter is a cost-effective solution for component and material measurement. The wide 20 Hz to 1 MHz test frequency range and superior test-signal performance allow the 4284A to test components to the most commonly-used test standards, such as IEC/MIL standards, and under conditions that simulate the intended application. Whether in research and development, production, quality assurance, or incoming inspection, the 4284A will meet all of your LCR meter test and measurement requirements.


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